When people go camping, some bring just the bare essentials while others bring everything except the kitchen sink. Below is a list of the most important camping gear you will want to make sure you pack on your next camping trip.
1) Lantern /Flashlight – Most people forget how dark it gets out in the middle of nowhere after the sun goes down. Therefore you will want to have a lantern or two for your campsite. Also bring a flashlight for each camper to have with them in the event they need to get up in the middle of the night.
2) Food/Snacks/Drinks – Remember to pack food for all meals and plenty of snacks for your campers. Bring plenty of water, other drinks, and hot chocolate.
3) Warm Clothes – The next thing people forget is how cool the evenings get after sun set. Make sure each camper have a couple sweatshirts and jacket for the camping trip. Also bring an extra pair of shoes for each camper in the event one pair gets wet and muddy.
4) Axe/Shovel – You will want to bring along an axe for collecting fire wood and a shovel for putting out the fire.
5) Tent/Sleeping Bags/ Pillows – One of the most forgotten items when camping are pillows. You of course will want your tent and sleeping bags. Extra blankets are also a good idea. No one likes to be cold during the night.
6) Paper Goods – Remember toilet paper, handy wipes, and a roll of paper towels for the camp kitchen.
7) Marshmallows – The most important item to have on your next camping trip is marshmallows. The kids love roasting marshmallows and making smores.
So, here are seven of the most important items you will want to pack in your camping gear on your next camping trip.
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